TMJ Therapy
in Searcy, AR

Whether you only experience TMJ symptoms during times of heightened stress or it’s a chronic condition that occurs on a nightly basis, we recommend discussing your options with our team. Finding a good solution for TMJ/TMD is crucial for preventing unnecessary dental damage from occurring. To learn more or schedule your next visit with our team, please contact us!

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What is TMJ disorder?

TMJ disorder refers to issues affecting the temporomandibular joint, which connects the jaw to the skull. This disorder can cause pain in the jaw, face, or ear, and may lead to difficulty chewing or opening the mouth. Common symptoms include jaw clicking, popping, or locking. TMJ disorders can range from mild discomfort to severe pain, often impacting daily activities like speaking or eating.

What are the causes of TMJ/TMD?

Temporomandibular disorder can have several causes, including jaw injuries, arthritis, teeth grinding (bruxism), or stress that leads to muscle tension around the jaw. Poor posture, particularly in the neck and upper back, can also contribute by straining the jaw muscles. Additionally, certain dental issues, like misaligned teeth, may put extra pressure on the TMJ, leading to discomfort.

How are custom oral appliances for TMJ created?

Custom oral appliances for TMJ are designed to relieve pressure on the jaw and realign the bite. Our team takes quick and precise impressions of your teeth, which are then sent to a dental lab. The lab then crafts the appliance, ensuring it fits your mouth comfortably. These appliances, often called splints or night guards, help reduce grinding, clenching, and strain on the TMJ, promoting relaxation of the jaw muscles.

What else can I do to treat my TMJ symptoms?

Beyond custom oral appliances, TMJ symptoms can be managed through several methods. Applying heat or ice to the affected area may reduce pain and inflammation. Practicing relaxation techniques, like stress management or jaw exercises, can also alleviate tension. Additionally, avoiding hard or chewy foods, correcting poor posture, and seeking physical therapy may help. In severe cases, medication or surgical intervention may be recommended.

No matter the cause of your TMJ dysfunction, it’s important to treat the condition promptly to prevent potential tooth, gum, and jaw damage. Contact our office today to learn more about TMJ treatment and schedule your next visit!

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